Sunday, July 22, 2012

My burning desire to make candles

Hello blogger world! I am Melissa Johnson Warnke.  By day, I report the news on the NBC affiliate in Montgomery, AL.  By afternoon, I make tea cup and mason jar candles (and other vintage inspired gifts).

The perfect Saturday morning for myself and my husband involves yard sale-ing, estate sale-ing, and a trip to the antique mall/flea market.  We love taking things that no one wants anymore and making them into unique home decor items.  However, I am a neat freak.  I hate clutter, disorganization, and overall junkiness.  Hence the need to make things for other people, instead of keeping them myself.  (My walls are already full of hand made decor items, just ask my friends).

Months ago, I picked up with 26 tea cups and saucers that I got for WAY cheap at the Habitat for Humanity Home Store in Montgomery.  They sat in our china cabinet stacked up for months.  And, I just had to do something with them... So the idea of tea cup candles was born!  Everyone asks me, "How did you get the idea to make candles out of tea cups?". Now you know!  It took some time to get the hang of it.  I ended up with wax all over my kitchen countertops, a couple shirts I ruined from runaway dye and overheating my wax, but in the end, I would buy my candles.  So, I am proud to sell them to other people.

This little side business of mine encompasses so many things I enjoy: antique hunting, crafting, and social media (find me on Facebook -  I love knowing people have things I made in my kitchen in their homes... on their coffee or side tables or that they give them as gifts to special people in their lives.

A little more about me:  I am married to my high school sweetheart, Adam.  He is an Environmental Engineer for the State of Alabama.  We have two sweet yellow law/cocker spaniel mix dogs, who we rescued from the Elmore County Humane Society.  They are our children, for now :)  We both graduated from Auburn University, and we live in an old home in the Cloverdale area of Montgomery.

I am excited to share my decorating, tea cup shopping trips and crafting stories with you!

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